Monday, August 2, 2010

SOS Women's Retreat

The mission of Stonecroft Ministries is "to equip and encourage women to impact their communities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ." And we all played a role in doing just that at the SOS Women's Retreat!

Bryan/College Station's Christian Women's Connection served the Lord in all kinds of ways: food preparations, the door prizes, giving food for snacks, serving in the kitchen, leading small groups, leading breakout sessions, and most importantly by praying! It was an amazing retreat!

Our speaker, Jenny Broughton from Oklahoma City, was a joy! She shared her heartwarming story with us and how God has delivered her from vast amounts of hurt and pain into a beautiful woman of the Lord who uses her hardships to deliver other women who have also lived through difficult times. She spoke on "What Not To Wear" and gave us wonderful tips concerning our physical dress code and most importantly our spiritual dress. Visit her website:

The whole gang.
The ladies opening the door prizes!

Donna and Pat working hard in the kitchen!
Margaret and Barbara preparing sloppy joes!

A group of ladies enjoying fellowship after a meal!
The dining hall.
The ladies got their hands dirty while planting container gardens.

Please remember to keep all the ladies who attended the retreat in your hearts and prayers. Jenny, our speaker, encouraged the ladies "not to become weary in doing good" because life will not be easy.

Also, thank you all for serving. Even though you may not have been there in body, your prayers and preparations before the retreat were much appreciated and you will be blessed!

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