Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Stonecroft Ministries was founded by Helen Duff Baugh because of her heart for evangelism. In the book One Woman, One Faith, One Vision, you will discover her journey and the beginning of Stonecroft Ministries. After reading it, you will be inspired to reach out to more women and invite them to our luncheons, prayer connections, Bible studies, and outreach events.

So my question to you is:

Where do you leave invitations?

Who do you seek out to invite to meetings?

Has God given you the opportunity to share the gospel just like Helen Duff Baugh, the founder of Stonecroft, lived her life to do?

Click on "comments" at the bottom of this post and share with us so we can learn from each other! You can post as Anonymous if you do not have any of the requested accounts.


  1. I left some invitations at Dilliard's lingerie counter. So many women there! The sweet lady who checked me out may also join me in September!

    I try to reach out to women who I come in contact with often and am trying to get to know better: my hair stylist, a co-worker's wife, a new in-law, etc..

    I read One Woman, One Faith, One Vision and LOVED it! Maybe someone will bring it to September's book exchange!

  2. I just gave one to the sales lady at Star furniture when I bought a chair and she was so excited about the ministry. Left them at the Christian Bookstore in the mall and at Whitt's End shop. Also put some on the bulletin board in the women's bathroom at church where lots of women can take them.
